Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A new year is looming right around the corner. I can hardly believe it!! I have decided that 2009 will be the year of "me". Not in a bad selfish way, but in the way that I want to take better care of myself. I have 20 pounds to lose, I need to spend more time with devotions/meditation, I need to exercise (I think I can count the number of work-outs in 2008 on one hand, when it used to be that many a WEEK), and I need to just check in with myself more often.
I am working on a loose schedule for each week, to help both me and Nat. She is at an age where she would really enjoy planned arts and crafts. I need to figure out a schedule for work, so that it's just set times and the rest of the week I can do housework/play with Nat/spend more time relaxing.
I also want to get more into the money-saving game. It's time consuming, which is why that comes and goes. But using the Grocery Game, coupons, and learning more about the whole CVS program would really help us financially. Every penny counts!! I am pondering starting a blog that is just for money-saving endeavors. This isn't a novel idea, there are a lot of those blogs out there, but I learn from others, and maybe I can help others too! In this economy (and I don't think 2009 is going to get much better) we all need to work together and help each other out. I'll post a link to that blog if/when I start it.
A look back at 2008 -- my goal in 2008 was to focus more on the positive aspects of relationships in my life instead of obsessing over the negative. Done! I opened myself up to make friends, and I have finally made some friends here in the desert. I have also grown closer to the friends/family that I have in my life. It's amazing what can happen when you let go of the bad and open yourself up to the good.
I also broke my Starbucks addiction! I now make my chai at home each morning, which saves me about $20/week!! Not too shabby.
In the environmental aspect of things, I did join the community supported agriculture, but did not like it so much. It took over an hour to get down to pick up the veggies each week, and the selection wasn't great. There were lots of weird green leafy veggies that I wasn't sure what to do with. So I am not doing that again. Instead, in 2009 I want to plant a vegetable garden in my backyard. I need to map out a plan for that.
Happy New Year to anybody who is reading this! :) I will post later with a new blog address with all my adventures in saving money, planting a garden, etc.
I am working on a loose schedule for each week, to help both me and Nat. She is at an age where she would really enjoy planned arts and crafts. I need to figure out a schedule for work, so that it's just set times and the rest of the week I can do housework/play with Nat/spend more time relaxing.
I also want to get more into the money-saving game. It's time consuming, which is why that comes and goes. But using the Grocery Game, coupons, and learning more about the whole CVS program would really help us financially. Every penny counts!! I am pondering starting a blog that is just for money-saving endeavors. This isn't a novel idea, there are a lot of those blogs out there, but I learn from others, and maybe I can help others too! In this economy (and I don't think 2009 is going to get much better) we all need to work together and help each other out. I'll post a link to that blog if/when I start it.
A look back at 2008 -- my goal in 2008 was to focus more on the positive aspects of relationships in my life instead of obsessing over the negative. Done! I opened myself up to make friends, and I have finally made some friends here in the desert. I have also grown closer to the friends/family that I have in my life. It's amazing what can happen when you let go of the bad and open yourself up to the good.
I also broke my Starbucks addiction! I now make my chai at home each morning, which saves me about $20/week!! Not too shabby.
In the environmental aspect of things, I did join the community supported agriculture, but did not like it so much. It took over an hour to get down to pick up the veggies each week, and the selection wasn't great. There were lots of weird green leafy veggies that I wasn't sure what to do with. So I am not doing that again. Instead, in 2009 I want to plant a vegetable garden in my backyard. I need to map out a plan for that.
Happy New Year to anybody who is reading this! :) I will post later with a new blog address with all my adventures in saving money, planting a garden, etc.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mother guilt...
Why do we women feel like we have to prove that we can handle anything and everything? I have been struggling with this lately. I have so many hats that I am wearing right now, and instead of focusing on the joy of being involved with the things I like, I have been focusing on where I might be not doing well enough. I know that I am doing the best I can, and that I am not perfect. Logically I know that giving my best is enough, and that's really all I can do. But I feel like if I don't EXCEL or stand out in every area, then I'm a failure.
I think that's partly my personality, but it's also just part of being a woman/mom. We, for some reason, feel like we need to make everyone happy.
I'm glad I figured out that was going on, and nipped it in the bud, because I was getting *very* drained!!
Back to enjoying the holiday season and all that entails...
On a parenting note - I am looking for preschool-type activities or ideas to do with Nat in the new year. Any ideas? I am off of Waldorf, although I do like some of the concepts inherent in that school of thought. But I think I have decided why it didn't feel like a good fit to me - there is something unnatural about the extent Waldorf goes to be natural. Yeah, wrap your head around that for a moment! :) It should feel organic, and it didn't to me. I'm glad it works for some people, but going so far out of the way to re-create a "natural" atmosphere felt... unnatural! I'm all for more time spent outdoors, but we don't really have woods around here to traipse through. We have a sand and water table out back - and that works! And a slide. Both of which are plastic, but that's what we have, and time spent outdoors is time spent outdoors. Also, my daughter loves to read. She looks at books on her own, and if hubby or I sit down to read her one book, she wants us to read 50. I am not going to stifle that b/c Waldorf thinks reading shouldn't start until 6. Every child is different, and to be truly "natural", you have to do what is right for you and your child. Anything else feels forced. Again, just my opinion. :)
So I am going to incorporate some of the Montessori and Waldorf stuff into the house, but need some activity ideas as well. I guess you could say I'm homeschooling for a semester :) but it's really just giving some structure to our day and more activities for Nat.
I think that's partly my personality, but it's also just part of being a woman/mom. We, for some reason, feel like we need to make everyone happy.
I'm glad I figured out that was going on, and nipped it in the bud, because I was getting *very* drained!!
Back to enjoying the holiday season and all that entails...
On a parenting note - I am looking for preschool-type activities or ideas to do with Nat in the new year. Any ideas? I am off of Waldorf, although I do like some of the concepts inherent in that school of thought. But I think I have decided why it didn't feel like a good fit to me - there is something unnatural about the extent Waldorf goes to be natural. Yeah, wrap your head around that for a moment! :) It should feel organic, and it didn't to me. I'm glad it works for some people, but going so far out of the way to re-create a "natural" atmosphere felt... unnatural! I'm all for more time spent outdoors, but we don't really have woods around here to traipse through. We have a sand and water table out back - and that works! And a slide. Both of which are plastic, but that's what we have, and time spent outdoors is time spent outdoors. Also, my daughter loves to read. She looks at books on her own, and if hubby or I sit down to read her one book, she wants us to read 50. I am not going to stifle that b/c Waldorf thinks reading shouldn't start until 6. Every child is different, and to be truly "natural", you have to do what is right for you and your child. Anything else feels forced. Again, just my opinion. :)
So I am going to incorporate some of the Montessori and Waldorf stuff into the house, but need some activity ideas as well. I guess you could say I'm homeschooling for a semester :) but it's really just giving some structure to our day and more activities for Nat.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Holidays
are finally officially here! Thanksgiving this week... Black Friday with all the fabulous sales.. cooler weather (which means mid-70s down here in the desert!), decking the halls, gift-wrapping.. I love it. :)
I baked cookies today and listened to Christmas music. It felt SO good.
That is pretty much all I have to say. Just felt like it was time for a blog post... so there you have it. :)
PS - I'm watching Annie Lennox on the American Music Awards right now, and it's making me feel a wee bit old.
I baked cookies today and listened to Christmas music. It felt SO good.
That is pretty much all I have to say. Just felt like it was time for a blog post... so there you have it. :)
PS - I'm watching Annie Lennox on the American Music Awards right now, and it's making me feel a wee bit old.
Monday, November 10, 2008
More on gay rights...
So this is on my mind right now - everywhere I turn I see stories about Prop 8 in CA. We also passed prop 102 down here in AZ, which is basically the same thing. An amendment to our state consitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
I was just doing the dishes and as usual, I had some Yo Gabba Gabba songs in my head. In particular, from the episode "Differences" - "All my friends are different, but we love them all the same" and "Don't be mean to your friends". (Catchy little songs these are!! :) ) Anyway, it struck me that we teach children to love others, to treat others as they would like to be treated, to embrace each others' differences... why is that only applicable in certain situations? The basis of this episode was about someone who got new glasses, and even though he looked a little different, he was still their friend and they still loved him, and about how it's not okay to make fun of him.
This may be a very simple and silly basis for my argument, but seriously. Why is the above episode premise so acceptable and something we all strive to teach our children, but yet teaching them that everyone has the right to love, that no group of people deserves to have their rights taken away -- that isn't something we universally want to do? Why are some differences "okay", but not others? Who makes that decision? So someone who is born with less than perfect eyesight deserves equal rights and respect and love, but not someone who is born gay. Someone who has chosen to create his/her family with someone of the same gender does not deserve to raise a child in their loving home? (Good one, Arkansas!) So, I guess we should I should write to Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba or Sesame Street and request some episodes that explain this to our children. Timmy has two mommys? Well, while yes, Timmy can be your friend, and while his mommies love him very much, they aren't allowed the same rights as we are. Nothing personal, and I'll "tolerate" their existence, but it's just what I believe... Oh wait, that's right - part of the reason this proposition was passed was so that we don't have to explain gay marriage to children, right? Because it would be in the curriculum (because yeah, didn't we all take Marriage 101 in 2nd grade!?!) and we can't have that! We can't actually acknowledge *gasp* gay couples!! Yes, gay people on their own are fine, as long as they don't make too much of a ruckus. But enter into a relationship with *another* gay person?? And act like heterosexuals?? With the living together and loving each other and committing to each other and oh my goodness, maybe even holding hands or kissing in public!?!?? I'm sorry, that's taking it too far.
I am overjoyed and hopeful about the fact that we have elected our first African American president. I loved every moment of cheering for Hillary during the primaries. I get overwhelmed with emotion when I look at my little girl and think about the things that are possible for her. I see how far we have come. And that makes the passing of these propositions all the more devastating to me.
I usually don't like to get too preachy about political matters, but to me, this isn't a political issue. It's a human one. And for those who use religious arguments to support these propositions... how can people who follow Christ, who strive to be Christ-like, think that this is okay? I just do not get it.
I needed to get all that out. It has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind.
I was just doing the dishes and as usual, I had some Yo Gabba Gabba songs in my head. In particular, from the episode "Differences" - "All my friends are different, but we love them all the same" and "Don't be mean to your friends". (Catchy little songs these are!! :) ) Anyway, it struck me that we teach children to love others, to treat others as they would like to be treated, to embrace each others' differences... why is that only applicable in certain situations? The basis of this episode was about someone who got new glasses, and even though he looked a little different, he was still their friend and they still loved him, and about how it's not okay to make fun of him.
This may be a very simple and silly basis for my argument, but seriously. Why is the above episode premise so acceptable and something we all strive to teach our children, but yet teaching them that everyone has the right to love, that no group of people deserves to have their rights taken away -- that isn't something we universally want to do? Why are some differences "okay", but not others? Who makes that decision? So someone who is born with less than perfect eyesight deserves equal rights and respect and love, but not someone who is born gay. Someone who has chosen to create his/her family with someone of the same gender does not deserve to raise a child in their loving home? (Good one, Arkansas!) So, I guess we should I should write to Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba or Sesame Street and request some episodes that explain this to our children. Timmy has two mommys? Well, while yes, Timmy can be your friend, and while his mommies love him very much, they aren't allowed the same rights as we are. Nothing personal, and I'll "tolerate" their existence, but it's just what I believe... Oh wait, that's right - part of the reason this proposition was passed was so that we don't have to explain gay marriage to children, right? Because it would be in the curriculum (because yeah, didn't we all take Marriage 101 in 2nd grade!?!) and we can't have that! We can't actually acknowledge *gasp* gay couples!! Yes, gay people on their own are fine, as long as they don't make too much of a ruckus. But enter into a relationship with *another* gay person?? And act like heterosexuals?? With the living together and loving each other and committing to each other and oh my goodness, maybe even holding hands or kissing in public!?!?? I'm sorry, that's taking it too far.
I am overjoyed and hopeful about the fact that we have elected our first African American president. I loved every moment of cheering for Hillary during the primaries. I get overwhelmed with emotion when I look at my little girl and think about the things that are possible for her. I see how far we have come. And that makes the passing of these propositions all the more devastating to me.
I usually don't like to get too preachy about political matters, but to me, this isn't a political issue. It's a human one. And for those who use religious arguments to support these propositions... how can people who follow Christ, who strive to be Christ-like, think that this is okay? I just do not get it.
I needed to get all that out. It has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Grocery Game!!
Oh I love the Grocery Game. Yesterday I got a trunk full of food for $63. I saved $115!! So that is a savings of what, like 65%??? Awesome.
I got free Powerade (2), free Celestial Seasonings tea, $0.50 Reach toothbrushes (2), and $0.67 Hamburger Helpers (9). I love to save. It's so satisfying to watch all the money come flying off after the cashier starts plugging in the coupons.
I'm trying to get us to $50/week for groceries... getting closer! :) I'm trying to find the perfect combo of Costco food and using the Grocery Game to get great deals each week.
I got free Powerade (2), free Celestial Seasonings tea, $0.50 Reach toothbrushes (2), and $0.67 Hamburger Helpers (9). I love to save. It's so satisfying to watch all the money come flying off after the cashier starts plugging in the coupons.
I'm trying to get us to $50/week for groceries... getting closer! :) I'm trying to find the perfect combo of Costco food and using the Grocery Game to get great deals each week.
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year....
Yes I'm singing that in my head, and have been for several days now. I'm a Christmas freak. I love this time of year - Halloween kicks off all the fun stuff. Probably goes back to my childhood and my Grandma J. She loves the holidays. Decked the halls, baked the cookies, played the music, yada yada -- tons of gifts under the tree, lots of talk of Santa Claus, great big Thanksgiving meal. Some great memories. I am so enjoying re-creating those memories and adding new ones for my little girl. And for myself, if I'm being totally honest here. :) This time of year feeds my soul in so many ways. Maybe it's because of the way people are a little nicer to each other, or the way families reconnect, or how everyone becomes openly spiritual, which IMO makes the world a truly happy place. When we all believe in something bigger than ourselves, we realize we are all connected.
And speaking of Grandma J, Nat and I are taking a trip to visit her in a few weeks. She is 88 years old, and I have not seen her in 2 years. She is in a wheelchair now, and each year her health gets a little bit worse. Nat is named after her, she had such a big influence on my life, and I love her dearly. I am looking forward to spending time with her and I know she will love to see her precious little great granddaughter. My mom and I are also hoping to get a 4-generation picture. While we are there, it will be the 5-year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It should be a special time, and quite emotional.
On to lighter topics -- this week, my little girl will be a bumble bee. Here is a picture of her, when I was trying to make Halloween cards. I got them through Wal-Mart and they blew. So I'm not sending those out! Luckily I only spent $8 on about 15 of them to send to some family. Last year, we got photo books for Christmas there, too, and they were horrible. So no more Wal-Mart photo purchases for me!!

We are going to carve pumpkins Thursday night, and take her trick-or-treating to a few houses on Friday night!! Parties on Thursday and Friday mornings... oh yes, the holiday season has begun! :)
In the world of parenting -- things are going pretty well. Nat had a few mini-breakdowns last week, I think the craziness of the month before finally caught up with her. But once she and I got back into our regular routine, the meltdowns stopped. It's amazing how much routine and stability affect toddlers!
I haven't done any more research on different types of schooling. We do live in a good (for this area) school district, so we may just give that a whirl. We have a few years before worrying about kindergarten, though. I have heard some good reports about a preschool, as well, so I feel like I can sit back until the spring now and then think about whether I want to send Nat to preschool next fall or the fall after. I am going to set some things up around our house after the holidays to do some early childhood homeschooling activities. Nothing too intense, but I know she would love it. I can already tell she has a thirst for knowledge! Loves to play games where B and I quiz her on what color things are, playing the "who am I?" game, etc.
OK this has turned into a very long post, so I'll leave it at that. :) Happy Halloween!
And speaking of Grandma J, Nat and I are taking a trip to visit her in a few weeks. She is 88 years old, and I have not seen her in 2 years. She is in a wheelchair now, and each year her health gets a little bit worse. Nat is named after her, she had such a big influence on my life, and I love her dearly. I am looking forward to spending time with her and I know she will love to see her precious little great granddaughter. My mom and I are also hoping to get a 4-generation picture. While we are there, it will be the 5-year anniversary of my grandfather's death. It should be a special time, and quite emotional.
On to lighter topics -- this week, my little girl will be a bumble bee. Here is a picture of her, when I was trying to make Halloween cards. I got them through Wal-Mart and they blew. So I'm not sending those out! Luckily I only spent $8 on about 15 of them to send to some family. Last year, we got photo books for Christmas there, too, and they were horrible. So no more Wal-Mart photo purchases for me!!

We are going to carve pumpkins Thursday night, and take her trick-or-treating to a few houses on Friday night!! Parties on Thursday and Friday mornings... oh yes, the holiday season has begun! :)
In the world of parenting -- things are going pretty well. Nat had a few mini-breakdowns last week, I think the craziness of the month before finally caught up with her. But once she and I got back into our regular routine, the meltdowns stopped. It's amazing how much routine and stability affect toddlers!
I haven't done any more research on different types of schooling. We do live in a good (for this area) school district, so we may just give that a whirl. We have a few years before worrying about kindergarten, though. I have heard some good reports about a preschool, as well, so I feel like I can sit back until the spring now and then think about whether I want to send Nat to preschool next fall or the fall after. I am going to set some things up around our house after the holidays to do some early childhood homeschooling activities. Nothing too intense, but I know she would love it. I can already tell she has a thirst for knowledge! Loves to play games where B and I quiz her on what color things are, playing the "who am I?" game, etc.
OK this has turned into a very long post, so I'll leave it at that. :) Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thoughts on Waldorf...
Our parent-child classes at the Waldorf school finished up this past week. It was a great learning experience for me. While I like some aspects of Waldorf, I found that I didn't feel like it clicked for me. I think it's a little too out there. I'm learning as time goes on, as N gets older, so much more about myself as a mother and as a person. I think that I am basically a "normal" person with a few "granola" tendencies... so going so far to the extreme just didn't feel right for me.
I have learned about a local preschool where a few friends' kids go - it's cheap, it's at a church, and it's nearby. So I think when we get closer (sign-ups are in February for next fall), we'll go check that out.
It's been fun exploring the Montessori and Waldorf schools of thought, though. I have learned things I would like to incorporate here at home -- mixing and matching those two methods, and some of my own ideas as well.
I have learned about a local preschool where a few friends' kids go - it's cheap, it's at a church, and it's nearby. So I think when we get closer (sign-ups are in February for next fall), we'll go check that out.
It's been fun exploring the Montessori and Waldorf schools of thought, though. I have learned things I would like to incorporate here at home -- mixing and matching those two methods, and some of my own ideas as well.
Back to "normal".. whatever that is! :)
So my husband got a job here in town. We don't have to move!!
I didn't realize how settled I was here and how much I love living in the land of eternal sun. In spite of the past seven years being lived in anticipation of moving someday b/c of B's job, I have put down roots and really made a little life for myself.
So, while there would be wonderful things about a move to the Pacific NW (cooler weather in the summer for one!), I am very happy that we are settling in and staying put.
Which means that now I have the daunting task of putting our house back to normal. Our garage is filled with packed boxes and personal items are all tucked away and out of sight for any potential house-buyers (there were a whopping 5 people who looked at our house while it was on the market!). So I am going to spend the next few days moving back into our own house.
And then -- it's my favorite time of year, so I am looking forward to all the fun fall/holiday crafts and rituals my daughter and I will be doing! I'll post more with pictures and such.
I didn't realize how settled I was here and how much I love living in the land of eternal sun. In spite of the past seven years being lived in anticipation of moving someday b/c of B's job, I have put down roots and really made a little life for myself.
So, while there would be wonderful things about a move to the Pacific NW (cooler weather in the summer for one!), I am very happy that we are settling in and staying put.
Which means that now I have the daunting task of putting our house back to normal. Our garage is filled with packed boxes and personal items are all tucked away and out of sight for any potential house-buyers (there were a whopping 5 people who looked at our house while it was on the market!). So I am going to spend the next few days moving back into our own house.
And then -- it's my favorite time of year, so I am looking forward to all the fun fall/holiday crafts and rituals my daughter and I will be doing! I'll post more with pictures and such.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Once again, months have gone by...
I'm horrible at posting to my blog when life gets crazy. And oh boy has it been crazy!!
Our house is officially on the market, B is officially interviewing for jobs in Seattle, and that means we are MOVING!!! I'm excited but also sad. As I went through last week and did all my little decorating/painting things suggested by the Realtor's decorator, I shed some tears. A lot of great things have happened in this house. A lot of healing, a new life created, and just many joyful moments. But I know a new adventure is in store for us, and better weather too!! :) I am looking forward to sitting down in the morning with the door/window open, and enjoying a cup of coffee while looking out over green and water!!! I have missed both of those things, as well as the brisk mornings.
Ok a little munchkin is sitting on my lap begging for pictures of her friend Gabe (who visited us last month!!! It was very funy :)) so I must go do that.
I will post again soon with pictures of all the work we have done throughout the house and more info about our move!! :)
Our house is officially on the market, B is officially interviewing for jobs in Seattle, and that means we are MOVING!!! I'm excited but also sad. As I went through last week and did all my little decorating/painting things suggested by the Realtor's decorator, I shed some tears. A lot of great things have happened in this house. A lot of healing, a new life created, and just many joyful moments. But I know a new adventure is in store for us, and better weather too!! :) I am looking forward to sitting down in the morning with the door/window open, and enjoying a cup of coffee while looking out over green and water!!! I have missed both of those things, as well as the brisk mornings.
Ok a little munchkin is sitting on my lap begging for pictures of her friend Gabe (who visited us last month!!! It was very funy :)) so I must go do that.
I will post again soon with pictures of all the work we have done throughout the house and more info about our move!! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Montessori & Waldorf & Sewing
So I have spent much time in the past couple of weeks researching these two types of education. I know it's early, b/c N is only 2, but when I called the Montessori school to inquire about maybe sending her there when she is 3, I found out they have a waiting list for Fall 09!! I always considered myself a Type A overachiever, but I guess I was slacking in this area. :)
We went and observed the Montessori school, and while it was better than I expected (I had done some research and a couple of things didn't resonate with me), it still didn't feel 100% right to me. N loved playing with the different toys, and sat very focused while doing each activity. She enjoyed running around and checking everything out. The director was very nice, and not at all super-rigid with the Montessori curriculum, which fits nicely with my outlook. However, the price was too high, and the kids all seemed a bit... too quiet. They sat and ate their snacks without much of a peep. It was a little creepy to me. (This was the 18 month to 3 year old room.) I left feeling like "Hmm that was nice..." but not super excited. I did like the concept of having purposeful toys around, so I am going to work on that for our house a bit more.
We then went to a Waldorf school to look around, and WOW what a difference. I am in love. I already had good feelings about Waldorf, so I guess I went in a bit biased. Everything I have read really goes with my beliefs and my feelings about education, and as I posted awhile back, I used Little Acorn Learning last year with Natalie, which is Waldorf-based. During our visit, there was a small summer program going on, and the kids were cleaning, but were boisterous and happy while doing so. That felt WAY more normal to me. The layout had a much better vibe, and I really felt great about all the teachers I met.
So we are going to sign up for the Parent-Child classes they are holding this year. It's 2 hours, once a week, and it's to get a feel for the Waldorf school. I'm really excited about getting involved in this, and it feels better to me to be doing a parent-child group at this point, instead of sending N off by herself. It's a good way to dip my toes in, so to speak, and get a feel for the place. I have a couple of years to figure this out, but it will be nice to get involved with a group like this and see what's what.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia page about Waldorf Education in case anyone out there is interested in more about this type of program. :)
So that has been my major project this month so far. I have also been working on some sewing. Here is my first home project - it's a skirt to cover up underneath a desk in our kitchen. It has become a storage spot, so it's nice to have something cute covering it up. Next up -- a skirt to cover under the craft table in my office/project room.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
We went and observed the Montessori school, and while it was better than I expected (I had done some research and a couple of things didn't resonate with me), it still didn't feel 100% right to me. N loved playing with the different toys, and sat very focused while doing each activity. She enjoyed running around and checking everything out. The director was very nice, and not at all super-rigid with the Montessori curriculum, which fits nicely with my outlook. However, the price was too high, and the kids all seemed a bit... too quiet. They sat and ate their snacks without much of a peep. It was a little creepy to me. (This was the 18 month to 3 year old room.) I left feeling like "Hmm that was nice..." but not super excited. I did like the concept of having purposeful toys around, so I am going to work on that for our house a bit more.
We then went to a Waldorf school to look around, and WOW what a difference. I am in love. I already had good feelings about Waldorf, so I guess I went in a bit biased. Everything I have read really goes with my beliefs and my feelings about education, and as I posted awhile back, I used Little Acorn Learning last year with Natalie, which is Waldorf-based. During our visit, there was a small summer program going on, and the kids were cleaning, but were boisterous and happy while doing so. That felt WAY more normal to me. The layout had a much better vibe, and I really felt great about all the teachers I met.
So we are going to sign up for the Parent-Child classes they are holding this year. It's 2 hours, once a week, and it's to get a feel for the Waldorf school. I'm really excited about getting involved in this, and it feels better to me to be doing a parent-child group at this point, instead of sending N off by herself. It's a good way to dip my toes in, so to speak, and get a feel for the place. I have a couple of years to figure this out, but it will be nice to get involved with a group like this and see what's what.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia page about Waldorf Education in case anyone out there is interested in more about this type of program. :)
So that has been my major project this month so far. I have also been working on some sewing. Here is my first home project - it's a skirt to cover up underneath a desk in our kitchen. It has become a storage spot, so it's nice to have something cute covering it up. Next up -- a skirt to cover under the craft table in my office/project room.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Monday, July 7, 2008
So, I love TV. I'm a TV junkie. The list of shows I enjoy is embarrassingly long.
But, it's amazing how much having a child changes you. The main reason my list of TV shows has shrunk is because of how valuable my time has become. When I have downtime, I want it to be filled with things that I REALLY enjoy. The bar has been raised on my entertainment. The only movie I have gone to see in the past 2 years is Sex and the City (SO GOOD!). I just don't have a burning desire to see as many movies as I used to see. Same goes for TV. I want something different, something that truly entertains me. I am no longer just sitting there, checking out, and watching TV for 3 hours a night. The other reason for this is because having a daughter has made me re-evaluate who I am. What do I put into my brain, how do I spend my time, what do I eat, what purpose do I have? It's almost like a revamp of the early 20s -- when you figure out "who you are" or "find yourself". It's a more grown-up version of that.
Anyway -- I have to say that I may need to retire my title of "TV Junkie" when the new season comes around this fall. And I'm not all that sad about it. :)
Along that same vein, I have been letting Natalie watch WAY too much TV this summer. It starts out with a show in the morning and a show in the evening. And then when we get up into the triple digits and can't do much outside, unless we drive to a water park or pool, it becomes a few shows in the morning and a few in the evening, until it feels like the TV is on ALL DAY LONG. So I have started limiting the TV. Especially since my daughter's favorite show right now is "Yo Gabba Gabba". This isn't as obnoxious of a show as I thought it would be, but let me tell you, after hearing the same episode on 5 times in a row, it gets old! :) So right now I'm trying to do some work while keeping Natalie entertained with other things besides the TV. Every so often, I have to stop and draw a choo-choo train or a smiley face for her, and we have "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" playing really loudly on repeat in my office, but it feels way more satisfying than having a little zombie sitting in the other room watching TV.
That's all for today... I have to go draw another train, so no time to review/edit this post! :)
Oh and Happy 4th!
But, it's amazing how much having a child changes you. The main reason my list of TV shows has shrunk is because of how valuable my time has become. When I have downtime, I want it to be filled with things that I REALLY enjoy. The bar has been raised on my entertainment. The only movie I have gone to see in the past 2 years is Sex and the City (SO GOOD!). I just don't have a burning desire to see as many movies as I used to see. Same goes for TV. I want something different, something that truly entertains me. I am no longer just sitting there, checking out, and watching TV for 3 hours a night. The other reason for this is because having a daughter has made me re-evaluate who I am. What do I put into my brain, how do I spend my time, what do I eat, what purpose do I have? It's almost like a revamp of the early 20s -- when you figure out "who you are" or "find yourself". It's a more grown-up version of that.
Anyway -- I have to say that I may need to retire my title of "TV Junkie" when the new season comes around this fall. And I'm not all that sad about it. :)
Along that same vein, I have been letting Natalie watch WAY too much TV this summer. It starts out with a show in the morning and a show in the evening. And then when we get up into the triple digits and can't do much outside, unless we drive to a water park or pool, it becomes a few shows in the morning and a few in the evening, until it feels like the TV is on ALL DAY LONG. So I have started limiting the TV. Especially since my daughter's favorite show right now is "Yo Gabba Gabba". This isn't as obnoxious of a show as I thought it would be, but let me tell you, after hearing the same episode on 5 times in a row, it gets old! :) So right now I'm trying to do some work while keeping Natalie entertained with other things besides the TV. Every so often, I have to stop and draw a choo-choo train or a smiley face for her, and we have "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" playing really loudly on repeat in my office, but it feels way more satisfying than having a little zombie sitting in the other room watching TV.
That's all for today... I have to go draw another train, so no time to review/edit this post! :)
Oh and Happy 4th!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Homemade Wednesday
We made granola bars! They came out crumbly, but they are mighty tasty. Nat helped stir everything together and then helped me "pat pat pat" everything down into the pan.
The finished product:

And an update on Monday's shopping excursions -- I got split bone-in chicken breasts for .97/pound, ground beef for 1.87/pound, FREE Dial hand soap, Cottonelle toilet paper for .40 (for 4 rolls), and toothbrushes for $1/each!! It feels good to not spend so much.
And I am happy to report that there has been no horking since Monday mid-morning. Yaay!
The finished product:
And an update on Monday's shopping excursions -- I got split bone-in chicken breasts for .97/pound, ground beef for 1.87/pound, FREE Dial hand soap, Cottonelle toilet paper for .40 (for 4 rolls), and toothbrushes for $1/each!! It feels good to not spend so much.
And I am happy to report that there has been no horking since Monday mid-morning. Yaay!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Money-Saving Monday!
For those of you who don't know, I use the Grocery Game. I went through a brief period where I didn't use it, because it was too much of a pain. But we are reaching that time of year where the credit cards start creeping up on us, and I am NOT going to end this year in debt again!! So I'm back to the GG with a vengeance. Check it out if you haven't yet - basically it's a site where the woman does all the work for you (the coupon clipping/organizing is the part that can be a pain) -- she checks the sales at your local stores (you can sign up for up to 3 stores) and compares it to the coupons that are out there, and lets you know the best deals. It's pretty awesome, and a great money saver. My tip -- make sure you only buy what you NEED, and don't just stock up on stuff b/c it's cheap. The point is to SAVE $$! :) I speak from experience.
So today, our local Safeway has ground beef for $1.77/pound and peaches for 88 cents/pound. I'm very excited about these two deals.
I'll post later after my shopping expedition, to share the savings goodness.
So today, our local Safeway has ground beef for $1.77/pound and peaches for 88 cents/pound. I'm very excited about these two deals.
I'll post later after my shopping expedition, to share the savings goodness.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My Favorite New Product

This thing is awesome. We have a glass door on our shower stall, and it gets all soap-scummy and water-stained. It's very hard to get it super clean. This bad boy did the job very easily and quickly. Love it!!! I just take it in with me while I shower every so often and scrub and rinse while I'm in there. Easy peasy. I'm all for great products that make life easier and cleaner. :)
Rotavirus, how I hate thee...
This has been a fun week. That sentence was laced with as much sarcasm as possible. (See title of this post.)
N started puking Monday night. B started Tuesday night. I started Wednesday afternoon. Nat was still throwing up last night. It's just a couple of times a day now, but WOW. What a long, long week.
I am putting off Father's Day celebrations until next Sunday.
I am cranky, I am tired, my stomach still hurts, and I am really tired of being in the house. I am snapping at Nat and B about small things, and I am just incredibly short-fused.
I will be very happy when this bug has left us.
N started puking Monday night. B started Tuesday night. I started Wednesday afternoon. Nat was still throwing up last night. It's just a couple of times a day now, but WOW. What a long, long week.
I am putting off Father's Day celebrations until next Sunday.
I am cranky, I am tired, my stomach still hurts, and I am really tired of being in the house. I am snapping at Nat and B about small things, and I am just incredibly short-fused.
I will be very happy when this bug has left us.
Monday, June 9, 2008
It's summer! And I haven't posted in ages.
The wedding went great - I had a fabulous time in my fancy dress. I will post pictures when I finally get around to downloading all my pictures.
My little girl turned TWO last week. We are still nursing several times a day. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am nursing a toddler. I never would have expected to be doing this! We are also still co-sleeping. This all has just been a natural journey, and I have loved every moment of it. There has been some talk about baby #2, but I just feel like waiting a little longer. But it's funny, when you have a child who turns 2, people start speaking up and telling you that it's "time". :)
I haven't done any crafts with Nat in quite awhile, mainly b/c spring in the desert is a wonderful time. We have been soaking up every second of outdoor air that we can before it gets to.. well, before now. :) It is now up to just about triple digits and it's time to hunker down in the AC for a few months. But we had a great time playing at the park, going for walks, and just enjoying the weather. Now it's time for going to the pools, movies, water parks, and malls.
In non-toddler areas - I am very sad that Hillary did not win the nomination. Before last Tuesday, I said that if Hillary didn't get the nom, I was going Republican this election. But I just don't think I can. So I am doing some information-gathering now and trying to get on the Obama bandwagon. I don't know why it's so hard for me, when there are hoards of people out there just singing his praises at the top of their lungs. I guess I have some reservations I need to work through, and to get past my disappointment at Hillary not being our candidate.
That was a very unfocused post - but it was just to catch up and get back on track. Now that I am spending more time indoors, I hope to post more! Oh - my new passion? Saving money!! I am back on the Grocery Game and scouring all the money-saving blogs out there trying to find the best deals. This is partly a necessity b/c we overextended a bit last month, but also b/c everything is getting so freakin' expensive! I even went without my Starbucks chai today, and made coffee at home instead. Seriously. I think they put something truly addictive in there, b/c I miss it WAY too much!! :)
More focused and interesting posts to come...
The wedding went great - I had a fabulous time in my fancy dress. I will post pictures when I finally get around to downloading all my pictures.
My little girl turned TWO last week. We are still nursing several times a day. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am nursing a toddler. I never would have expected to be doing this! We are also still co-sleeping. This all has just been a natural journey, and I have loved every moment of it. There has been some talk about baby #2, but I just feel like waiting a little longer. But it's funny, when you have a child who turns 2, people start speaking up and telling you that it's "time". :)
I haven't done any crafts with Nat in quite awhile, mainly b/c spring in the desert is a wonderful time. We have been soaking up every second of outdoor air that we can before it gets to.. well, before now. :) It is now up to just about triple digits and it's time to hunker down in the AC for a few months. But we had a great time playing at the park, going for walks, and just enjoying the weather. Now it's time for going to the pools, movies, water parks, and malls.
In non-toddler areas - I am very sad that Hillary did not win the nomination. Before last Tuesday, I said that if Hillary didn't get the nom, I was going Republican this election. But I just don't think I can. So I am doing some information-gathering now and trying to get on the Obama bandwagon. I don't know why it's so hard for me, when there are hoards of people out there just singing his praises at the top of their lungs. I guess I have some reservations I need to work through, and to get past my disappointment at Hillary not being our candidate.
That was a very unfocused post - but it was just to catch up and get back on track. Now that I am spending more time indoors, I hope to post more! Oh - my new passion? Saving money!! I am back on the Grocery Game and scouring all the money-saving blogs out there trying to find the best deals. This is partly a necessity b/c we overextended a bit last month, but also b/c everything is getting so freakin' expensive! I even went without my Starbucks chai today, and made coffee at home instead. Seriously. I think they put something truly addictive in there, b/c I miss it WAY too much!! :)
More focused and interesting posts to come...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Teething & Gardening
These are the themes of our weekend, apparently. :) N is teething hard core - getting her top eye teeth in. The happy part? These are her last teeth until her 2 year molars!! So, hopefully we will have a good long break from teething now for a bit. The last few nights have been rough. We used to have a king and queen bed set up in our room. It was quite luxurious, and we were getting spoiled. The queen bed was my SIL's bed, and she needed it back, so we got N a "big girl" bed. It's a toddler bed and it's absolutely adorable. But small. :) So she is adjusting. Our bed has been full the past couple of nights, let's just say that! :) With the teething, she wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Two nights ago was horrible. And last night, she didn't go to sleep until midnight. But she slept better! And she finally went down for a nap at 3:00 today. I am looking forward to our post-teething life!
Gardening - ahhh. I love to garden. It's another gorgeous day, so we went to Lowe's to get some plants. I took out the old nasty dead flower carcasses from our front flower bed and replaced them with some Japanese Boxwoods. They look much neater and will make our yard look more manicured. We also got a pot for our front porch, and DH and N planted geraniums in there. It's quite cute.
Tomorrow morning I will work on the back yard, pruning the old and possibly adding some new.
I'm sitting here now (having just finished an hour of Beautiful Katamari - I'm addicted.) drinking my V8 and listening to classical music. It's been a good day. DH is at the movies w/ his folks and us ladies are holding down the fort.
Gardening - ahhh. I love to garden. It's another gorgeous day, so we went to Lowe's to get some plants. I took out the old nasty dead flower carcasses from our front flower bed and replaced them with some Japanese Boxwoods. They look much neater and will make our yard look more manicured. We also got a pot for our front porch, and DH and N planted geraniums in there. It's quite cute.
Tomorrow morning I will work on the back yard, pruning the old and possibly adding some new.
I'm sitting here now (having just finished an hour of Beautiful Katamari - I'm addicted.) drinking my V8 and listening to classical music. It's been a good day. DH is at the movies w/ his folks and us ladies are holding down the fort.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It's spring here in the Southwest. At least it feels like it. The air is fresh, we are getting up to the 70s/80s... I LOVE this time of year!! I just want to spend all day outside.
So yesterday I signed up on the wait list for our local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) organization. It's $200-$300 for either two months or three months, and you get a ton of produce from local farms each week. This was one of my goals about a year ago when I started focusing on being more green. Better late than never, right? These changes take awhile, and they really take some getting used to. I read about becoming more environmentally aware, and I see blogs of people that live frugally (economically and environmentally), and it all seems so simple. But when you are used to being a consumer and using resources without much thought, it's hard to adjust!!
We have been using the biodegradable diapers for a bit now, and I must say that we love them. Seriously, for you diaper users out there, check these out!! I believe diapers take 500 years to break down in a landfill. Each diaper. That is a long time, and a huge imprint on the earth. After I started using cloth last year, and came back to disposables, that really stuck with me.
I'll leave you with a picture of my little doll-wearing toddler :)
So yesterday I signed up on the wait list for our local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) organization. It's $200-$300 for either two months or three months, and you get a ton of produce from local farms each week. This was one of my goals about a year ago when I started focusing on being more green. Better late than never, right? These changes take awhile, and they really take some getting used to. I read about becoming more environmentally aware, and I see blogs of people that live frugally (economically and environmentally), and it all seems so simple. But when you are used to being a consumer and using resources without much thought, it's hard to adjust!!
We have been using the biodegradable diapers for a bit now, and I must say that we love them. Seriously, for you diaper users out there, check these out!! I believe diapers take 500 years to break down in a landfill. Each diaper. That is a long time, and a huge imprint on the earth. After I started using cloth last year, and came back to disposables, that really stuck with me.
I'll leave you with a picture of my little doll-wearing toddler :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Product Line of the Month - my new favorite!

Cleaning Products
These are amazing - they smell like "real" cleaning products, so I still feel like I'm getting a good deep down clean. But I also feel good about using them. Yay!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Two Months?
Wow, two months went by without a post from me!
Let's see -- we left on 12/26 for Pennsylvania to go to my brother's wedding, and then N and I stayed there for a couple extra weeks. We got back on 1/16. I had bronchitis for a week, and then we had a couple of weeks where we finally got to go out and enjoy the fresh air. And then N started teething for a week, and now she has been sick for a couple of weeks. She is finally better, but still has a runny nose and a cough, so we are hanging out around the house.
That brings you up to date! :)
I set this up yesterday so N could play outside without us having to go anywhere:

She is really enjoying it, and I'm enjoying being able to sit outside and relax while she plays. Ahhh...
Beyond the kid stuff -- I'm really rooting for Hillary, and I'm getting worried about the numbers!!! So I'm constantly checking CNN on primary days. I'm a dork.
That's it for now. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :)
Let's see -- we left on 12/26 for Pennsylvania to go to my brother's wedding, and then N and I stayed there for a couple extra weeks. We got back on 1/16. I had bronchitis for a week, and then we had a couple of weeks where we finally got to go out and enjoy the fresh air. And then N started teething for a week, and now she has been sick for a couple of weeks. She is finally better, but still has a runny nose and a cough, so we are hanging out around the house.
That brings you up to date! :)
I set this up yesterday so N could play outside without us having to go anywhere:
She is really enjoying it, and I'm enjoying being able to sit outside and relax while she plays. Ahhh...
Beyond the kid stuff -- I'm really rooting for Hillary, and I'm getting worried about the numbers!!! So I'm constantly checking CNN on primary days. I'm a dork.
That's it for now. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :)
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