Monday, July 7, 2008


So, I love TV. I'm a TV junkie. The list of shows I enjoy is embarrassingly long.

But, it's amazing how much having a child changes you. The main reason my list of TV shows has shrunk is because of how valuable my time has become. When I have downtime, I want it to be filled with things that I REALLY enjoy. The bar has been raised on my entertainment. The only movie I have gone to see in the past 2 years is Sex and the City (SO GOOD!). I just don't have a burning desire to see as many movies as I used to see. Same goes for TV. I want something different, something that truly entertains me. I am no longer just sitting there, checking out, and watching TV for 3 hours a night. The other reason for this is because having a daughter has made me re-evaluate who I am. What do I put into my brain, how do I spend my time, what do I eat, what purpose do I have? It's almost like a revamp of the early 20s -- when you figure out "who you are" or "find yourself". It's a more grown-up version of that.

Anyway -- I have to say that I may need to retire my title of "TV Junkie" when the new season comes around this fall. And I'm not all that sad about it. :)

Along that same vein, I have been letting Natalie watch WAY too much TV this summer. It starts out with a show in the morning and a show in the evening. And then when we get up into the triple digits and can't do much outside, unless we drive to a water park or pool, it becomes a few shows in the morning and a few in the evening, until it feels like the TV is on ALL DAY LONG. So I have started limiting the TV. Especially since my daughter's favorite show right now is "Yo Gabba Gabba". This isn't as obnoxious of a show as I thought it would be, but let me tell you, after hearing the same episode on 5 times in a row, it gets old! :) So right now I'm trying to do some work while keeping Natalie entertained with other things besides the TV. Every so often, I have to stop and draw a choo-choo train or a smiley face for her, and we have "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" playing really loudly on repeat in my office, but it feels way more satisfying than having a little zombie sitting in the other room watching TV.

That's all for today... I have to go draw another train, so no time to review/edit this post! :)

Oh and Happy 4th!

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Unfortunately my alternative to tv has become blogging! But I am like you with the kiddos. It is hard being home all day and limiting how much tv because you have sooooooo many hours (and even more minutes) to fill up with activity. We are always looking for something else to do.

BTW-the saying in our house is that Yo Gabba Gabba has a song for every situation in life.