Monday, June 9, 2008


It's summer! And I haven't posted in ages.

The wedding went great - I had a fabulous time in my fancy dress. I will post pictures when I finally get around to downloading all my pictures.

My little girl turned TWO last week. We are still nursing several times a day. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am nursing a toddler. I never would have expected to be doing this! We are also still co-sleeping. This all has just been a natural journey, and I have loved every moment of it. There has been some talk about baby #2, but I just feel like waiting a little longer. But it's funny, when you have a child who turns 2, people start speaking up and telling you that it's "time". :)

I haven't done any crafts with Nat in quite awhile, mainly b/c spring in the desert is a wonderful time. We have been soaking up every second of outdoor air that we can before it gets to.. well, before now. :) It is now up to just about triple digits and it's time to hunker down in the AC for a few months. But we had a great time playing at the park, going for walks, and just enjoying the weather. Now it's time for going to the pools, movies, water parks, and malls.

In non-toddler areas - I am very sad that Hillary did not win the nomination. Before last Tuesday, I said that if Hillary didn't get the nom, I was going Republican this election. But I just don't think I can. So I am doing some information-gathering now and trying to get on the Obama bandwagon. I don't know why it's so hard for me, when there are hoards of people out there just singing his praises at the top of their lungs. I guess I have some reservations I need to work through, and to get past my disappointment at Hillary not being our candidate.

That was a very unfocused post - but it was just to catch up and get back on track. Now that I am spending more time indoors, I hope to post more! Oh - my new passion? Saving money!! I am back on the Grocery Game and scouring all the money-saving blogs out there trying to find the best deals. This is partly a necessity b/c we overextended a bit last month, but also b/c everything is getting so freakin' expensive! I even went without my Starbucks chai today, and made coffee at home instead. Seriously. I think they put something truly addictive in there, b/c I miss it WAY too much!! :)

More focused and interesting posts to come...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I am in the same boat as you with Hillary/Obama...I also said I would vote republican but am fact gathering and thinking about it.

BTW...this is mandylee from DWLZ