Saturday, March 1, 2008

Teething & Gardening

These are the themes of our weekend, apparently. :) N is teething hard core - getting her top eye teeth in. The happy part? These are her last teeth until her 2 year molars!! So, hopefully we will have a good long break from teething now for a bit. The last few nights have been rough. We used to have a king and queen bed set up in our room. It was quite luxurious, and we were getting spoiled. The queen bed was my SIL's bed, and she needed it back, so we got N a "big girl" bed. It's a toddler bed and it's absolutely adorable. But small. :) So she is adjusting. Our bed has been full the past couple of nights, let's just say that! :) With the teething, she wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Two nights ago was horrible. And last night, she didn't go to sleep until midnight. But she slept better! And she finally went down for a nap at 3:00 today. I am looking forward to our post-teething life!

Gardening - ahhh. I love to garden. It's another gorgeous day, so we went to Lowe's to get some plants. I took out the old nasty dead flower carcasses from our front flower bed and replaced them with some Japanese Boxwoods. They look much neater and will make our yard look more manicured. We also got a pot for our front porch, and DH and N planted geraniums in there. It's quite cute.

Tomorrow morning I will work on the back yard, pruning the old and possibly adding some new.

I'm sitting here now (having just finished an hour of Beautiful Katamari - I'm addicted.) drinking my V8 and listening to classical music. It's been a good day. DH is at the movies w/ his folks and us ladies are holding down the fort.

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