Friday, October 17, 2008

Back to "normal".. whatever that is! :)

So my husband got a job here in town. We don't have to move!!

I didn't realize how settled I was here and how much I love living in the land of eternal sun. In spite of the past seven years being lived in anticipation of moving someday b/c of B's job, I have put down roots and really made a little life for myself.

So, while there would be wonderful things about a move to the Pacific NW (cooler weather in the summer for one!), I am very happy that we are settling in and staying put.

Which means that now I have the daunting task of putting our house back to normal. Our garage is filled with packed boxes and personal items are all tucked away and out of sight for any potential house-buyers (there were a whopping 5 people who looked at our house while it was on the market!). So I am going to spend the next few days moving back into our own house.

And then -- it's my favorite time of year, so I am looking forward to all the fun fall/holiday crafts and rituals my daughter and I will be doing! I'll post more with pictures and such.


Brandy said...

I'm glad you are staying in Arizona! We'll have to get together more when I'm back in town.

emily said...

I'm glad that things are settled now - good luck getting the house back to a "home". At least it makes it easier to do your fall/holiday decorating, right?