Saturday, September 15, 2007

Oh Mr. Maher....

I am getting SO SO tired of the attitude towards breastfeeding in our society. Luckily, I haven't ever personally experienced negative feedback while NIP. Quite the opposite, actually - I have had several supportive comments, and nobody has ever so much as looked at me cross-eyed while I'm nursing. And overall, I am able to have a sense of humor about most of the things I see. Like that news guy who was caught on camera pretending to lick the nipple of the image of breasts on-screen, when he was supposed to be reporting on breastfeeding. He didn't know the camera was rolling, and I'll admit I laughed at that. Silly things like that don't bug me.

But this... this is just ridiculous. This sums up the way a lot people out there think (as evidenced by all the laughs Bill got during his segment), and that saddens me. Breastmilk is the most natural and wonderful thing one can give her child. It's a bonding experience, it's nourishing, and it helps protect both the mom and child. (reduces obesity and illnesses for the child; prevents cancers for the mother) Those are facts. The AAP and the WHO both recommend that women breastfeed. Even formula companies say that breastmilk is best. So why is everyone so quick to put down those of us who are choosing to breastfeed!?! The bottom line is -- it is our legal right as women, as mothers, to nurse our children whenever or wherever they need to eat. I think it's a beautiful, wonderful thing. I truly don't understand why people are uncomfortable with seeing it. !?!? We have 13 year old girls running around dressed like hookers, but me nursing my little girl is disgusting??? So backwards and strange.

Anyway - here is what I'm talking about (the part I'm referring to starts at 3:14):

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