Thursday, September 6, 2007

15-month appointment

We had N's 15 month appointment yesterday, and she did GREAT. I did decide to get the MMR vaccine, and not separate it out or anything, and so far she seems okay. A bit of a fever this afternoon, and the usual post-shots clinginess, but overall she is chipper.

She weighs 20 lbs, 7 oz and is 31" long. I was definitely able to tell that she had been chunking out a bit. I was so glad!! She's still in the ~15%, and we figure that's just where she is going to be.

I did have an issue w/ a couple comments the ped made about my continuing to breastfeed N, though. He said that I should think about cutting back, and when we talked about wanting to try for baby #2 in a few months, he said this would be a perfect time to wean. Arrgh. I'm going to chalk it up to him having a bad day & forgetting who he was talking to, and his not knowing that I want to nurse her until she is 18 - 24 months. As soon as I said that was my intent, he dropped it.

I was just really irked with the whole thing, though. Because he shouldn't be pushing for weaning. Even the AAP has come out with information saying that there are immunological benefits for the baby to nurse up to TWO YEARS. That's my ped's organization! I guess it's just the way our society is right now, that nursing beyond a year is strange and unexpected.

He also really pushed the flu shot, and even said that there will be a world-wide pandemic soon, and everyone needs to be vaccinated. Ugh. We are NOT doing the flu shot. We didn't do it last year, and we are not doing it this year. That's that.

We'll see how the 18 month appt goes. If he's still weird about everything, then he and I are going to have a little chat. This was not the norm with him - he is usually so open to what I want, and willing to work with me, and talk to me about what's what w/ the shots and all.

On the positive end of things, he said that N will be an early talker. He was really impressed with the number of words that she can say. I'm so proud of my little chatterbox. (Gee, wonder where she gets that!?!) :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Bear said...

I too, would be very annoyed. You and I have chatted about these subjects before and have similar views on these subjects.

It is so difficult, because our society is so anti-breastfeeding and so pro-medication! pills! vaccinations! cow's milk! There just doesn't seem to be much room for any outside opinions or questioning the "norm."

I know you will make the right decision. :) Personally, I would keep bfing until N is ready to wean. You are the mommy and mommies know best! :)
