Friday, September 21, 2007

Kiki, the Lactivist

Who would have thought that I would be so into all of this? I guess I just never realized how weird people are about nursing. I'm so thankful I haven't come across the nastiness that some people have, but I just find it fascinating to read about situations that come up, and sometimes, like with the Bill Maher segment, I get all riled up about the ignorance that exists.

Here is a good article on the Huffington Post. Nothing earth-shattering, but it's a follow-up of sorts on the Bill Maher situation.

I guess he's doing his job really well. He's getting everyone riled up by being "politically incorrect." I guess the reason it bothered me was that it's not just him. He's speaking for a surprisingly large group of people, I think.

In other breastfeeding news in cyberland, here is a great article with some awesome pictures of women breastfeeding out in public (gasp!) in the 1940s. So cool!


Stephanie823 said...

I think it's great that you are so committed to something you believe in! (Isn't it weird when we surprise OURSELVES.) I did not breastfeed and have no desire (I know it's hard for "lactivists" (haha) to understand that. And vice versa.) But I just wanted to say I am so glad that I have also not experienced any negativity first-hand for MY choice. I HATE the debate that is so controversial between mothers and that it causes such divides! Can't we all just get along?!?! :)

Anyway, GREAT JOB Kiki.

Ms. Kiki said...

It IS weird when we become so into something we never thought we'd feel so strongly about!!

There are a lot of lactivists out there who are pretty hard core. It's been hard for me to find my "place", so to speak. The mainstream people think I'm a bit odd for still nursing and for co-sleeping & cloth diapering, and the "hippie" people would not like that I vaccinated my daughter, we keep a structured schedule at our house (well we do our best!), we watch TV (gasp!), and other "mainstream" things that I do. :) I just do a couple things w/ my parenting that is a bit different than the norm among my friends.

But other moms are sooooooo judgmental. I never realized the "mommy wars" that go on until I started frequenting parenting message boards. It's insane. We should be building each other up and supporting each other, instead of judging others for doing things differently than we do.

I think you're a great mom, and I totally respect your choice to not BF :) I have a couple other friends who feel the same way. One of my best friends thinks I am a complete loony tune for nursing to begin with, let alone past a year. But there's no judging or admonishing -- it's just the way we each feel and we respect each other.

To each their own, I say!