Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Get me out of here!

This is the time of year when I want to MOVE! It's a high of 112 here today. For a month or so every summer (July/August), we just close ourselves up inside with the AC blasting and the blinds shut. They even had a heat advisory on the TV just now, saying that you should check on your neighbors and pets and stay inside and drink plenty of water.

Oh what fun!! I miss California!!


codeblog said...

We had a high of 95 here in Cali. I parked outside in the lot at work today instead of in the deck. When I got into my car I thought I was going to be cooked. I don't even want to contemplate 112.

Gail said...

Hugs. I can't stand the heat, I have no clue how you girls do it.

Steph said...

Be glad you weren't in phoenix, it was 118 in some neighborhoods here :) I'm starting the shut-in process, myself ;)