Monday, August 27, 2007

A small step...

So in my quest to be more green --- I have made a few baby steps:

~We finished up our kitchen sponges and we are now using cloths to wash dishes instead. I know that's not a HUGE deal, but that's a tiny bit less trash that we are putting out there!
~Even though we still have another package of paper napkins, we have been using cloth.
~I haven't bought any paper towels since we ran out way back when (despite DH's complaints!). Rags/towels work just as well!!

So those are my tiny steps forward. I also went to the farmers' market last weekend. I can't remember if I posted that already.

Here's a picture of my little punkin to start out the week. When I was little, my dad made me a little cradle to rock my dolls in. Well, I finally took it out for N because she's getting to that stage (she has started dragging around a baby doll we got from a friend), and she climbed right in!! She was quite pleased with herself. Climbing is her new talent/obsession. We got a Little Tykes table and chairs in the mail today, and instead of sitting at the table and calmly coloring - as I had pictured her doing when I ordered it - she proceeded to climb up and stand on the table and chortle to herself. Such an adventurer! :)


geena said...

welcome to the world of climbers!

Mrs. Bear said...

I cannot believe how grown up she is! Wow! She's a cutie pie!