Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ANOTHER stomach bug!?!

OK seriously. This is getting so old. I think this is round 3 of a stomach virus since I have had Natalie. And this is a sneaky one. I thought we were done w/ the stomach part Sunday night, but oh no, 48 hours later it reared its ugly head. Calgon, take me away! I think this is the first time in my time as a mother that I really understand that sentiment and truly GET IT. Oh to lay soaking in a tub or get a massage... right now I'm just thankful that I have so far been spared any illness. I'm thinking that as soon as Natalie is better, it will strike. That's usually how it works.

But I think she's doing alright, besides the horking. She is currently chasing the cat around, trying to get her to eat a cracker. The usual morning-time routine. :)

My garden-planting has been woefully put on hold. I have the wood to create my square-foot-gardening grid, but it's still in the garage. Half the plants have been pulled out to make room for the veggies... by the time I get done with this, it will be too late to plant anything! Oh well, we'll get there.

Despite the stomach woes, I made tofu stir-fry last night. It was delicious, but I could only find the medium firm tofu instead of my usual preference, the extra firm. And it makes a difference. Next time I'll go somewhere else to get the extra firm. Tonight we are having potato pancakes.

I also am perusing some sites trying to get lunch ideas for hubby -- This is a good blog, and this is the site that goes along with it. I'm just trying to figure out what nutritional yeast flakes are, and where to get them, so I can make a really awesome-looking vegan muffin recipe on there. I perused the book at Barnes & Noble a couple of weeks ago, and there are some great kids' lunch ideas. I also really like the alternatives she talks about for lunchboxes and plastic bags.

I think I could do without eggs, but I really don't think I can do without milk & cheese. So I guess that would put me in the actual "vegetarian" slot and not "vegan", yes? So far, it's going well, and I'm not really even noticing a difference. I think we could transition to a meatless lifestyle much easier than I anticipated. Especially if we stop going out to eat (which we REALLY need to do b/c it's wasting $$!) because I automatically order a chicken wrap or salad w/ meat in it. Oops!

OK back to sitting by Natalie with a bowl and pushing the fluids, and hoping I don't see the fluids again!! :)

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