Wednesday, December 5, 2007

18 Months!?!?!

OK what happened here? My daughter is a year and a half today!!!! That can't be right!! :) She just came home from the hospital!!

And here she is last week -- looking a little rundown from her UTI, poor thing. But we got to go outside and have a little fun playing in the backyard.

I have been thinking all year that once my little Bug turned 18 months, I wanted to start some sort of loose curriculum with her -- for a routine to the day, and also to have different arts/crafts to entertain her. So I ordered this the other day -- Little Acorn Learning -- it's nature-based, and seems really neat. I'm going to try it this month and see how we like it. There are a couple crafts for each week - and this week, they are based on the start of Advent this past Sunday and St. Nicholas day tomorrow - and I'm not sure if N would enjoy them or if they are too old for her. We are going to make an Advent wreath today. Also, the curriculum recommends that I get up before everyone else for some quiet time. What a novel idea! :) So this morning I am up. While N sleeps. I haven't done this in ages!! I'm enjoying a cup of coffee, the laundry has been started, and the house is quiet. Ahhh...

We tried finger painting yesterday - we made our own from flour, water, and food coloring, and she wanted nothing to do w/ it. I even tried to encourage the mess-making -- sticking her hand and feet in it, to make hand and footprints... and no. She started wailing. Okay then! :)

It's been awhile since I posted, so brief update:
  • N and I will be out east for awhile at the end of December/beginning of January.
  • B still has his job, and is still working from home. We are doing pretty well with that, I must say.
  • I have been a Christmas cookie baking fiend lately! I have lemon bars, toffee bars, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, oatmeal/pb/choc chip cookies (holy yum!), and peanut butter cookies in the freezer, ready to be given out to friends and Santa. :)
I love this time of year!! :) Ah, she awakes... forgive any typos, I don't have time to proof this!

1 comment:

geena said...

I can't believe she's already a year and a half old. She looks completely different from that first picture!

Hope she feels better very soon!